Installing steam boilers is a thing of the past, but if your in down town. Steam and district heat is your primary heat source. Advance Mechanical knows about high and low pressure steam then most. We spent many years installing and upgrading pressure reducing and control stations around Fairbanks, Elision , and Fort wainwright.
There are various types of high-pressure steam valves that are used to reduce the pressure from approximately 140 psi to the common 10 or 15 psi that is utilized at tube and shell heat exchangers and hot water-heating equipment.
With this much pressure flowing through the system, there’s no room for error. Avance Mechanical is familiar with all brands of steam-pressure regulating valves and controls. We wastes no time diagnosing sticky problems and then making them vanish.
High pressure steam systems are complex, temperamental animal. Having our kind of experience at work for your building is invaluable. It’s like having Thomas Edison come to change your light bulbs. Call today.